(EN) Anti-corruption
Anticorruption policy Corruption represents a social phenomenon which do harm to the basic human values. The aim of the combat against corruption is to create conditions for strengthening integrity, responsibility and transparency of the work, to create means for the prevention of corruption at all levels, to act before the corruption occurs and to affirm the "zero tolerance" to corruption. Our social responsibility is to set the business processes in such a way which leaves room for proactive removal of potential corruptive activities right in the beginning, by honest and responsible conduct, by maintaining ethics standard and respecting laws and regulations. In its broadest form, corruption is every form of misuse of authority for personal or group benefits, both in public or private sector. Every act which is in contravention to public interest, by all means a breach of moral and legal norms and is harmful to the rule of law. A corrupt person is every official or responsible person who for his own benefit or for the benefit of the group, to which he/she belongs, neglects general interest which he/she is bound to protect based on laws and the position and authority entrusted to him/her. A corrupt citizen is every citizen who offers, gives or accepts to take a bribe in order for a corrupt person to, by his acting or non-acting or omission to act, help in the realization of benefit for a single person or a group. "Corruption it the misuse of the entrusted authority for private benefit." (Transparency International)
Main objectives in the fight against corruption
- Strengthening integrity, responsibility and transparency at work
- Creating the means for the prevention of corruption at all levels
- Affirming "zero tolerance" to corruption
Measures in the fight against corruption
- Improvement of the work in the Croatian Institute of Health Insurance with an emphasis on enhancing responsibility for successful realization of tasks
- Performing the work in an ordinary, ethical, cost-effective, efficient and effective way
- Harmonization of business activities with law, regulations and plans
Most frequent forms of corruption:
Bribery - the act of promising, giving, receiving, or agreeing to receive any favor with the aim of influencing a public official in the discharge of his official duties. Bribery may be given to public official directly or indirectly, through another person or subject. Bribery may be in the form of money, confidential information, gift or any other forms. Embezzlement - is the fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom the authority or a control over such property has been entrusted. Conflict of interest - is a situation which occurs when the officials' private interests are contrary to the public interest or when private interest influences, or may influence, the impartiality of the officials in the exercise of public office. Bias - A preference or an inclination to award businesses or benefits to certain persons, regardless of their actual qualifications. When favoritism is granted in business to relatives regardless of the merit then we talk about nepotism. Coercion - when an illegal and planned action is used to gain certain advantages, material or immaterial from other person or subject, by exercising unlawful pressure or threatening a person in order to force that person to provide certain favors. Coercion may result in a physical injury, violence or obstacle and may even endanger the third party.
Glossary of terms
Gift, in the sense of Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interests a gift is money, items regardless of their value, rights and services provided without compensation, which bring an official or might bring him/her into a state of dependency or which create an obligation towards the giver. Integrity - means impartiality, impeccability, honesty, i.e. all which is contrary to corrupt behavior. Zero tolerance to corruption means to react to every form of corruption regardless of the value of potential benefit and the position of the officer corrupted, i.e. the implementation of criminal proceedings, irrespective of the value of the benefit acquired by the corrupt criminal act performed. Conflict of interest is a situation which occurs when the officials' private interests are contrary to the public interest or when private interest influences, or may influence, the impartiality of the officials in the exercise of public office. Transparency means operating in such a way that it is easy for general public to see and understand what actions are performed.
In the view of an active implementation of Anti-corruption program, you are required to inform about any irregularities in the work of the officials or about cases for which you have doubts that there is corruption within the Croatian Institute of Health Insurance, in the system of health institutions or in any public administration body with which you are in contact, on the following address: nepravilnosti@hzzo.hr
Every information will be checked with due care and your personal data will be protected.
Please, take note that any false reporting may have legal consequences.
Any doubts relating to irregularities, i.e. corruption may also be communicated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Croatia and to the Office for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime (USKOK).
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