Application process opens for EU funded health data project expert groups

Dear health data enthusiast,
Are you interested in health data and promoting the use of it across borders in Europe?
If you said yes, you most certainly could be interested in the Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space (TEHDAS)open call for stakeholders.
The purpose of TEHDAS is to create joint principles for the secondary use of health data in Europe.
The project lays a foundation for the emerging European Health Data Space. The purpose of the development project is that people, communities and companies benefit from secure and seamless access to health data regardless of its location. The guidelines drafted in the project will also be used in the preparation of new legislation. The work will involve 26 countries and Croatia as one of the countries involved in TEHDAS is represented by Croatian Health Insurance Fund (CHIF) and Croatian Institute od Public Health (CIPH).
In the open call, you will have a unique opportunity to apply for and engage in the work of the Joint Action and to provide valuable input on the development of the European Health Data Space (EHDS).
If your professional interests are related to the secondary use of health data, promoting access, protection and the use of health data or you have a high interest towards health data in general, you could be a great candidate. The call is targeted for a wide spectrum of organisations and experts.
Read more about the open call on:
and apply for cooperation by filling in the application form. Apply by 21 March 2021.
Please feel free to forward the invitation.
Looking forward to making Europe flourish together!
TEHDAS Joint Action team
For more information you can contact us via e-mail address: