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Broj rezultata: 0

Rezultati pretrage

1. Regulation 883/04

Necessary healthcare under Regulation 883/04 - the European health insurance card/Substitute Certificate Any person with a regulated compulsory health insurance status with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (CHIF) is entitled to necessary healthcare in another Member State of the European Union (EU), the Eu...

Necessary health care

Necessary health care under Regulation 883/04 - the European health insurance card/Substitute Certificate The insured persons from other Member States of the another Member State of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area countries (EEA - Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), Switzerland or the Uni...

Nacionalne kontaktne točke drugih država članica EU/EEP

NACIONALNE KONTAKTNE TOČKE ZA PREKOGRANIČNU ZDRAVSTVENU ZAŠTITU drugih država članica Europske unije i država Europskog ekonomskog prostora AUSTRIAGesundheit Österreich GmbHWebsite:In German: English: https://www.ges...

2. The procedure for issuing the EHIC

The procedure for issuing the EHIC The method of submitting the application for issuing the EHIC Request for issuing the EHIC can be submitted: - via the CHIF web portal - or in person, at the nearest CHIF regional or branch office. The EHIC will be waiting for you at the CHIF location that you have chosen wh...

Odluke UV-a

Ovdje se nalaze one odluke Upravnog vijeća HZZO-a koje nisu objavljene u "Narodnim novinama", za više informacija pogledajte priopćenja nakon sjednica Upravnog vijeća. Odluke Upravnog vijeća HZZO-a 2024. godine Odluke 6. sjednice Upravnog vijeća održane 25. lipnja 2024. godine Odluke 4. izvanredne sjednice...