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Broj rezultata: 0

Rezultati pretrage

(EN) Anti-corruption

...responsible conduct by maintaining ethics standard and respecting laws and regulations in its broadest form...
...corruption is every form of misuse of authority for personal or group benefits both in public or private...

What about a frontier worker’s rights and entitlements to healthcare?

Under EU legislation, a frontier worker is defined as an employed or self-employed person who resides and works in two different EU/EEA Member States or Switzerland and who usually returns to his or her country of residence on a daily basis or at least once a week. Frontier workers are entitled to he...

Europska unija, Europski ekonomski prostor, Švicarska

Informacije o načinu korištenja zdravstvene zaštite osiguranih osoba Hrvatskog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje (HZZO) na području Europske unije (EU), Europskog ekonomskog prostora (Norveška, Island i Lihtenštajn - EEP), odnosno u Švicarskoj, uključujući i informacije o planiranom liječenju u istim državama,...