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Rezultati pretrage

Healthcare facilities and physicians

In the Republic of Croatia Healthcare facilities and physicians who have entered into a contract with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund for the provision of healthcare are as follows: Primary health care: Family (General) practitioners (.xls) Paediatricians (.xls) Gynecologists (.xls) Dentists (.xls) P...


Use of health care services in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland after Brexit Even though the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is no longer a member of the European Union, pursuant to the latest agreement between the subject country and the EU, insured persons o...

Računi za ZZ

Ispostavljanje i plaćanje računa zdravstvene zaštite za osobe s područja EU (.pdf) - objavljeno 02.08.2013. Računi za ljekarne kategorije H - naputak (.pdf) - objavljeno 02.08.2013. Digitalno potpisivanje datoteka računa (.pdf) - objavljeno 23.07.2013.