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Broj rezultata: 0

Rezultati pretrage

(EN) Scope of coverage of EHIC to certain health institutions the amount of participation copayment in health care costs in cases...
...return to the competent member state before the end of the planned stay to undergo the necessary treatment...

National Contact Point (NCP) the national contact point ncp for providing the information on the rights of the insured persons to... able to exercise their right to cross border health care the national contact point provides contact...

Planned treatment

...planned medical treatment under regulation 8832004 according to article 20 of the regulation 8832004...
...the approval for planned medical treatment in another member state the insured person shall submit to...

Necessary health care

...and norway switzerland or the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland uk are entitled to... that cannot be postponed until the planned return to their home country and at the expense...

O budućnosti zdravstva na simpoziju Mediji i zdravlje

...godine otvori goruća pitanja u zdravstvu jedan od važnih ciljeva je i unapređivanje komunikacije između zdravstvenih...
...djelatnika medija te vodećih ljudi ministarstva zdravstva hzzoa i zdravstvenih ustanova ravnatelj hzzoa...

2. Directive 2011/24/EU

...regulation 88304 solely the amount for participation needs to be paid upon the return to croatia the... clinical assessment without a doubt be exposed to a risk that cannot be considered acceptable taking...