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Izdavanje EU digitalnih COVID potvrda

...obzira imaju li boravište u rh ili su turisti potvrdu je moguće izdati temeljem preboljenja pozitivnog pcr...
...validiran za spajanje na platformu potvrda o preboljenju izdaje se isključivo na osnovu pozitivnog pcr...

What is covered by the EHIC or PRC?

Based on the EHIC/PRC a person is entitled to necessary healthcare, in regards to the nature and the length of the expected stay, where the necessity is assessed by the attending, contracted, physician in the respective Member state to whom the person has turned to for help. EHIC or PRC covers the costs of...

Frequently asked questions

...provisional replacement certificate of the ehic can be used ehic or provisional replacement certificate prc...
...prc be issued prc is issued in the event of theft loss or ehic or in the case when you are left without...

In which health care facilities can EHIC/PRC be used?

EHIC or PRC can be used in contracted healthcare institutions and contracted healthcare workers in the country of temporary stay. These institutions and workers have to be a part of the compulsory health insurance system.

(EN) Home for hospital treatment you will be charged with the amount of participation in healthcare costs per...
...invoice which can amount to maximum of 200000 hrk in total ie 10000 hrk per day prescriptions your gp...