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Profil Naručitelja

...hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje margaretska 3 10000 zagreb matični broj naručitelja 03580261...

Your rights: Directive 2011/24/EU

...directive s provisions if you are insured in one of the eu member states in croatia you are entitled to...
...use healthcare with both contractual and private health services providers you realize the right to...

European Reference Networks

...require highly specialized health services and the concentration of available knowledge and resources to... accordance with the rules of their national health system a patient s information can be referred to...

Emergency number 112

...union and in switzerland and is free of charge when you require urgent attention please call number 112 to...
...have direct access to police assistance ambulance services or fire and rescue services...

Natječaji arhiva 2013.

...popunjavanje ponuda za ugovaranje dodatnih mogućnosti u 2014 godini u djelatnosti opće obiteljske medicine zdravstvene...
...zaštite predškolske djece zdravstvene zaštite žena dentalne zdravstvene zaštite polivalentna doc podloge...