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Broj rezultata: 0

Rezultati pretrage

2. The procedure for issuing the EHIC

...issue you the ehic valid for the entire period of your stay the ehic card valid in the same period of time...
...the request for the certificate can also be submitted by the institution for health insurance in the place...

U Osijeku je održana konferencija o liječenju šećerne bolesti

...nacionalni program zdravstvene zaštite osoba sa šećernom bolešću i uloga liječnika obiteljske medicine...
...prezentirati postojeći nacionalni program te dobiti sugestije za njegovo unaprjeđenje pomoćnica ravnatelja za zdravstvenu...

Necessary health care croatia that you have chosen to visit ehic certificate covers the immediate costs of healthcare ie...
...the contracted providers of healthcare services in croatia under the same conditions and at the same price...