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Rezultati pretrage

Profil Naručitelja

...hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje margaretska 3 10000 zagreb matični broj naručitelja 03580261...

Using healthcare in the Republic of Croatia

...form or sed form s072 must be delivered to the competent regional or branch office of the chif in the place...
...form s072 issued form must be delivered to the competent regional or branch office of the chif in the place...

Health insurance in the Republic of Croatia

...person by the chif based on their free choice of gp doctor and dentist in general according to their place...
...of residence foreign policy holders requiring healthcare during their stay in croatia shall do so at...

7. Tiskanice

...tiskanica izbor doktora specijaliste medicine rada doc tiskanica t5 prijavaodjavapromjena na obvezno zdravstveno...
...osiguranje za slučaj ozljede na radu odnosno profesionalne bolesti doc tiskanica zahtjev za povrat sredstava...