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Broj rezultata: 0

Rezultati pretrage

Tražilica ugovorenih sadržaja zdravstvene zaštite u RH

Ovdje se nalazi tražilica zdravstvenih ustanova i privatnih zdravstvenih radnika koji s Hrvatskim zavodom za zdravstveno osiguranje imaju sklopljene ugovore o provođenju primarne, izvanbolničke specijalističko-konzilijarne zdravstvene zaštite. Tražilica omogućava uvid u ugovorene djelatnosti te maksimalni mje...

Necessary health care

Necessary health care under Regulation 883/04 - the European health insurance card/Substitute Certificate The insured persons from other Member States of the another Member State of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area countries (EEA - Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), Switzerland or the Uni...

Obavijest o sprečavanju sukoba interesa

Sukladno članku 80. stavak 2. točka 1. Zakona o javnoj nabavi (“NN” broj 120/16 dalje u tekstu: ZJN 2016) objavljujemo popis gospodarskih subjekata s kojima je predstavnik naručitelja iz članka 76. stavak 2. točka 1. ZJN 2016 ili s njim povezane osobe u sukobu interesa.Naturaldent d.o.o. iz Zagreba, Bukovac 1...

Specialist - consultative healthcare requiring no prior approval

Specialist - consultative healthcare requiring no prior approval The section "Planned treatment" describes the scenario in which you need to obtain prior approval for receiving treatment. If, as the person insured with the CHIF, you are utilising specialist-consultative healthcare for which no prior approval ...

Health care quality and safety

Under the Croatian legislation (Health care Act and Compulsory health insurance Act Internal consolidated text), every person is entitled to health care and the highest possible level of health. The goal of any healthcare system is improving and bettering the quality of health care. The quality of healthcare ...