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Rezultati pretrage

Hrvatska kakvu trebamo – budućnost hrvatskog zdravstva

...hrvatskog zdravstva ministar zdravstva milan kujundžić održao je prezentaciju na temu kamo ide hrvatski zdravstveni...
...sustav glavni izvršni direktor organizacije healthcare denmark hans erik henriksen prezentaciju zdravstveni...

(EN) Home with services free of charge contribution for particiation costs of healthcare services amounts to... with services free of charge contribution for particiation costs of healthcare services amounts to...

Your rights: Directive 2011/24/EU

...directive s provisions if you are insured in one of the eu member states in croatia you are entitled to...
...use healthcare with both contractual and private health services providers you realize the right to...

Novi iznosi limita za posebno skupe lijekove

...uzimajući u obzir da je zbog epidemije infekcije covid19 došlo do preraspodjele bolesnika između bolničkih zdravstvenih...
...utvrđivanju sredstava koja se ne uračunavaju u maksimalno utvrđeni iznos novčanih sredstava bolničkih zdravstvenih...

European Reference Networks

...require highly specialized health services and the concentration of available knowledge and resources to... accordance with the rules of their national health system a patient s information can be referred to...

Procedures in case of damage

...procedures in case of damage arising from providing healthcare services to the patient performing procedures... determine the physician s responsibility as well as the potential damage incurred during the provision...