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New website, optimized for the English language insurance fund launched a new website with an optimized english content and navigation be sure to...
...visit the national contact point page for information on the rights of the insured persons to health...


...kingdom of great britain and northern ireland uk is no longer a member of the european union pursuant to...
...all categories of insured persons of the chi regardless of whether they travel to uk for private or...

1. Regulation 883/04

...regulated compulsory health insurance status with the croatian health insurance fund chif is entitled to... assessed by the attending contracted physician in the respective member state to whom the person...

Health insurance in the Republic of Croatia insured persons required to obtain health insurance are as follows persons with permanent residence... compensation and the right to health care services the right to health care includes the right...

Nacionalne kontaktne točke drugih država članica EU/EEP

...nacionalne kontaktne točke za prekograničnu zdravstvenu zaštitu drugih država članica europske unije... eu website in hungarian http wwweubetegjoghu email info eubetegjoghu for eu citizens that intend to...

(EN) EHIC card

...charge and allows anyone who is insured by or covered by a statutory social security scheme of the eu to...
...return your ehic promptly to chif despite the ehic i had to pay for healthcare services abroad can i...