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Necessary health care

...and norway switzerland or the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland uk are entitled to... that cannot be postponed until the planned return to their home country and at the expense...

2. Directive 2011/24/EU

...regulation 88304 solely the amount for participation needs to be paid upon the return to croatia the... clinical assessment without a doubt be exposed to a risk that cannot be considered acceptable taking...

2. The procedure for issuing the EHIC valid for three years the issuance of a new ehic can be requested within 30 calendar days prior to...
...the expiration of the current valid ehic employees referred to temporary employment in another member...

Health care quality and safety care act and compulsory health insurance act internal consolidated text every person is entitled to...
...related to quality and safety are national health care strategy health care act compulsory health care...

(EN) Home with services free of charge contribution for particiation costs of healthcare services amounts to... with services free of charge contribution for particiation costs of healthcare services amounts to...